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برای اطلاعات بیشتر در مورد این محصول به کاتالوگ کمپانی آن مراجعه کنید یا با کارشناسان ما در شرکت عرشیا گستر درمان تماس بگیرید.
برای اطلاعات بیشتر در مورد این محصول به کاتالوگ کمپانی آن مراجعه کنید یا با کارشناسان ما در شرکت عرشیا گستر درمان تماس بگیرید.
Asahi Intecc is a Japanese company founded in 1976 and is engaged in the Development, manufacturing and sale of medical devices and Development, manufacturing and sale of ultra-fine stainless-steel wire ropes, terminal processed products such as guide wires, guiding catheters and microcatheter. Approved by European CE and US FDA. AGD has been the exclusive representative of Neurology and IVR of this company since 2017 in Iran. We are in second market share after Terumo-Microvention. Nowadays almost all cath-labs are working with us and we have very well-established sales presence in all vascular hospitals.
■ Flexibility
■ Pushability
■ Lubricity
■ Visibility
■ Flexibility
Soft tip and flexible distal shaft minimizes vessel injury.
■ Pushability
Well-balanced shaft with increased rigidity provides stable deployment and optimal pushability.
■ Lubricity
Hydrophilic coating from the tip to 15cm (FUBUKI 8Fr and Stiff type = 5cm) allows smooth navigation through aortic arch and vessel ostium.
■ Visibility
Radiopaque marker tip & shaft enhance visibility provided by a platinum marker on the tip and radiopaque material in the shaft.
■ Trackability
■ Enhanced kink resistance
■ Delivery Support
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